The Rocky Fissures Battle Map

A desert battle map featuring rocky terrain and dangerous watery pits. Mind your step, and watch out for monsters in the tall grass!

The Rocky Fissures Battle Map

The Sinister Spider Encounter Assets

Arachnophobia warning! This post is home to a colossal, 9×9 spider token that evokes images of Shelob or Aragog. Bring your finest elven sword.

The Sinister Spider Encounter Assets

The Sinister Woodland Battle Map

A simple forest clearing with a standing stone at its center… But that is not all this map has to hide! (Mild arachnophobia warning)

The Sinister Woodland Battle Map

The Knotroot Cave Map

A curious cave composed of closely curling roots, creeping and crawling to create a cavernous, cluttered complex to contain your combat.

The Knotroot Cave Map

The Winter Wilderness Battle Maps

A simple 22×16 battle map for an encounter in a snowy field, with some optional map variants to make it more interesting…

The Winter Wilderness Battle Maps

The Landing Pad Battle Map

Our latest sci-fi battle map, a hand-drawn, 44×32 lunar landscape with a large landing pad at its center. Space ships also inside!

The Landing Pad Battle Map

The Sewer Pipes Battle Map

My latest take on a sewer encounter map, this time choked with barnacles, seaweed, and drain water, all squeezed into a 44×32 battle map.

The Sewer Pipes Battle Map

BluBerrey’s Flying City Maps

Allow me to share BluBerrey’s ‘Flying City’ maps, high fantasy maps with immense detail and a good fit with some of our own creations!

BluBerrey’s Flying City Maps

A New ‘Lava’ Variant for our Rock Pools Map

A fiery take on our old Rock Pools battle map, transforming the clear water into burning magma. Can your PCs keep out of the lava?

A New ‘Lava’ Variant for our Rock Pools Map